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Hello I have two date : Read more

  1. Please use this code: $first_date = new DateTime("2022-01-01"); $second_date = new DateTime("2023-02-02"); $difference = $first_date->diff($second_date); echo "<difference> = " . $difference->y . " years, " . $difference->m." months, ".$difference->d." days " . "<difference in dRead more

    Please use this code:
    It works as you expect

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Hi everyone, I am new in PHP. I have this function which convert all alphabetic characters to uppercase: Read more

  1. This answer was edited.

    Hi, This is the syntax to concatenate strings: $text1 = "hello"; $text2 = "world"; $text = $text1 . ' ' . $text2; For your code, use this: function UppercaseText($text_list) { $GlobalText = ""; $TableSize = sizeof($text_list);; for ($i = 0; $i < $TableSize; $i++) { $BigText[] = strtoupper($text_lRead more


    This is the syntax to concatenate strings:
    For your code, use this:
    Have a good day

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Hi Could please tell me how to add or update SEO Focus keyphrase programmatically? I used this code but it doesn’t work: Read more

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    Hi, I think Yoast SEO removed metakeywords. Please see this aricle : Meta keywords Why we don't use them - and neither should you use this key instead : _yoast_wpseo_focuskw You can update it like any post meta. This is the syntax: //the value of the focus key word $myFocusKeyword = "focus keyword eRead more


    I think Yoast SEO removed metakeywords. Please see this aricle :

    Meta keywords Why we don’t use them – and neither should you

    use this key instead :


    You can update it like any post meta. This is the syntax:
    I tested it and it works fine.


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Hi Everyone! I use a s7-1500 controller. I use MB_CLIENT function to read data from an other PLC. Everything work fine until I make change in my project and download to the PLC. I have error 80A3 and impossible to acknowledge until I make a stop/Run of the plc. Anyone can help me? Best Regards,

  1. Hi Maesa, If you use instances declared in a FB function. Try to use a global instance of MB_clien like this: use a global DB to declare the "ModbusDataconnectParamClient" structure. This will fix your problem and when you download the project, it will not cause problem for MB_client function. hopeRead more

    Hi Maesa,

    If you use instances declared in a FB function.

    Try to use a global instance of MB_clien like this:

    use a global DB to declare the “ModbusDataconnectParamClient” structure.

    This will fix your problem and when you download the project, it will not cause problem for MB_client function.

    hope this will help you

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Hello, I have an excel file that is updated automatically from some websites. This files contains products prices. I want to send automatically  an email when the price drop under a value. Is there a way How to send email using VBA Excel?How to Send Email in Excel Using VBA? Thanks for your help

  1. This answer was edited.

    Hello,   You need to give access Outlook with VBA, you need to activate the Microsoft Outlook Object Library. To activate it, go to Tools in the VBA editor > References. Activate Microsoft Outlook 16.0 Object Library :     Then in a module use this subroutine: Sub sendAnEmail(ByRefRead more



    You need to give access Outlook with VBA, you need to activate the Microsoft Outlook Object Library.

    To activate it, go to Tools in the VBA editor > References.

    Activate Microsoft Outlook 16.0 Object Library :



    Then in a module use this subroutine:

    To test the code, call this code using a buton:

    I hope this will help you.

    Good luck!

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Hello, Please can you tell me how to disable the popup which show system alarm. It appear when an alarm is triggered (door open, emergency stop…). The project is developped using Tia portal V17. It shows up brefielly and disappear. It’s really annoying. Thank you.

  1. Hi, The problem is solved by deleting the screeens from global screens. thanks for everyone


    The problem is solved by deleting the screeens from global screens.

    thanks for everyone

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Hi everyone, I will welcome a dog into my familly and I need to choose a name for him before he arrives. To be easier for him to learn, the name should be as short as possible. I got some names and have to decide among the list in below. Please help me with your vote to choose a name. Thanks

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Hi, I am a plc programmer and I want to learn industrial robots programming. Please tell me which robot I start to learn first. thanks

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