Hello I have two date : Read more
Hi, This is the syntax to concatenate strings: $text1 = "hello"; $text2 = "world"; $text = $text1 . ' ' . $text2; For your code, use this: function UppercaseText($text_list) { $GlobalText = ""; $TableSize = sizeof($text_list);; for ($i = 0; $i < $TableSize; $i++) { $BigText[] = strtoupper($text_lRead more
This is the syntax to concatenate strings:
For your code, use this:
Have a good day
Please use this code: $first_date = new DateTime("2022-01-01"); $second_date = new DateTime("2023-02-02"); $difference = $first_date->diff($second_date); echo "<difference> = " . $difference->y . " years, " . $difference->m." months, ".$difference->d." days " . "<difference in dRead more
Please use this code:
See less[crayon-67cf06186a924848990824/]
It works as you expect