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Hello I have two date : Read more

  1. Please use this code: $first_date = new DateTime("2022-01-01"); $second_date = new DateTime("2023-02-02"); $difference = $first_date->diff($second_date); echo "<difference> = " . $difference->y . " years, " . $difference->m." months, ".$difference->d." days " . "<difference in dRead more

    Please use this code:
    It works as you expect

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1 User

Hi everyone, I am new in PHP. I have this function which convert all alphabetic characters to uppercase: Read more

  1. This answer was edited.

    Hi, This is the syntax to concatenate strings: $text1 = "hello"; $text2 = "world"; $text = $text1 . ' ' . $text2; For your code, use this: function UppercaseText($text_list) { $GlobalText = ""; $TableSize = sizeof($text_list);; for ($i = 0; $i < $TableSize; $i++) { $BigText[] = strtoupper($text_lRead more


    This is the syntax to concatenate strings:
    For your code, use this:
    Have a good day

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Hi, What is the difference between P_TRING and |P| ladder instruction. and why I should affect a tag below the two instructions? Thanks for replies

  1. Hi, use P_TRIG to monitior everything in the left of this instruction. It turns to ON for one scan when the entire set of logic to the left goes from off to on use -|P| to monitor a single tag. it turns on one scan when the tag goes from off to on. Best regards


    use P_TRIG to monitior everything in the left of this instruction. It turns to ON for one scan when the entire set of logic to the left goes from off to on
    use -|P| to monitor a single tag. it turns on one scan when the tag goes from off to on.

    Best regards

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2 Users

I have a list which contain names of students. Example: Read more

  1. You can use Counter if you want to do multiple count of the list from collections import Counter list = ['Jones','Adams','Frank','John','Lopez','Jones','Smith','Ivan','Julian','Carlos','Adams','Frank','Jones','John','Ivan'] print(Counter(list)) Result: Counter({'Jones': 3, 'Adams': 2, 'Frank': 2, 'JRead more

    You can use Counter if you want to do multiple count of the list

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