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Hi I have a variables that is declared outsides fucntions. How can I use and change these variables inside function usign Python? thank you

  1. Follow this example to create a variable outside functions, and use it inside the functions: MyVariable = 99 #this is a global variable def changeAndPrint_GlobalVariable(): global MyVariable #use global variable in this function with "global" keyword print('Global variable "MyVariable" before changeRead more

    Follow this example to create a variable outside functions, and use it inside the functions:
    This code will print:

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Hi, I want to convert a list using python. I have a list of list like this: Read more

  1. Hello this code may help you: def flatten_list(original_List): flat_list = [] for sub_list in original_List: for element in sub_list: flat_list.append(element) return flat_list #test original_List=[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd','e'], ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i'], ['j', 'k', 'l'], ['m', 'n', 'o']] print('original listRead more


    this code may help you:


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Hello I have two date : Read more

  1. Please use this code: $first_date = new DateTime("2022-01-01"); $second_date = new DateTime("2023-02-02"); $difference = $first_date->diff($second_date); echo "<difference> = " . $difference->y . " years, " . $difference->m." months, ".$difference->d." days " . "<difference in dRead more

    Please use this code:
    It works as you expect

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Hi everyone, I am new in PHP. I have this function which convert all alphabetic characters to uppercase: Read more

  1. This answer was edited.

    Hi, This is the syntax to concatenate strings: $text1 = "hello"; $text2 = "world"; $text = $text1 . ' ' . $text2; For your code, use this: function UppercaseText($text_list) { $GlobalText = ""; $TableSize = sizeof($text_list);; for ($i = 0; $i < $TableSize; $i++) { $BigText[] = strtoupper($text_lRead more


    This is the syntax to concatenate strings:
    For your code, use this:
    Have a good day

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Hi Could please tell me how to add or update SEO Focus keyphrase programmatically? I used this code but it doesn’t work: Read more

  1. This answer was edited.

    Hi, I think Yoast SEO removed metakeywords. Please see this aricle : Meta keywords Why we don't use them - and neither should you use this key instead : _yoast_wpseo_focuskw You can update it like any post meta. This is the syntax: //the value of the focus key word $myFocusKeyword = "focus keyword eRead more


    I think Yoast SEO removed metakeywords. Please see this aricle :

    Meta keywords Why we don’t use them – and neither should you

    use this key instead :


    You can update it like any post meta. This is the syntax:
    I tested it and it works fine.


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Hi Everyone! I use a s7-1500 controller. I use MB_CLIENT function to read data from an other PLC. Everything work fine until I make change in my project and download to the PLC. I have error 80A3 and impossible to acknowledge until I make a stop/Run of the plc. Anyone can help me? Best Regards,

  1. Hi Maesa, If you use instances declared in a FB function. Try to use a global instance of MB_clien like this: use a global DB to declare the "ModbusDataconnectParamClient" structure. This will fix your problem and when you download the project, it will not cause problem for MB_client function. hopeRead more

    Hi Maesa,

    If you use instances declared in a FB function.

    Try to use a global instance of MB_clien like this:

    use a global DB to declare the “ModbusDataconnectParamClient” structure.

    This will fix your problem and when you download the project, it will not cause problem for MB_client function.

    hope this will help you

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